15 April 2014

Let's Fall In Love

Hello everbody. Let's start blogging today. Macam mane korang tengah hari nieh? Dah makan? emm kalau belum makan tuh sila sila lah makan dulu sebelum diserang gastrik yea. hahaha *k tak lawak pon* Sarah nak cerita pasal someone special in my life selain parents, siblings and friends. He the one special in my life. *sorry broken english* Sudah lebih 2 tahun Sarah dengan dia. Nama dia Muhamad Alif Ali. He the one always make me smile, sad and sometimes angry hahahaha but he also romantic. Please don't take him from me. Sayang dia sangat sangat and also miss him so much. I really need him always besides me. I love you so much.

Dia seorang yang caring, romantic and also always make me happy in what ever situation. Dia juga seorang yang pandai memujuk ohh so sweet. aumm hahaha okay lah ini jew nak bagi tau hehehe 

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